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People in the Probability Laboratory…

Prob-L@B is home to 12 permanent academics, as well as many outstanding early-career researchers.

Thumbnail for People in the Probability Laboratory

My placement journey

Having this list was a big bonus since it saved me lots of stress!

Management meets Robin Hemingway

As a student, I had a few mentors. A family friend worked in finance, and I exhausted his personal contact list to learn about all aspects of the financial world.

Thumbnail for Management meets Robin Hemingway

CARMA: Cellular Agriculture Manufacturing Hub…

Contact us. Please get in touch if you would like to be added to our circulation list, or to find out more about becoming a member.

Thumbnail for CARMA: Cellular Agriculture Manufacturing Hub

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 Q & A…

I prefer to actively work and feel I have ‘achieved’ something and so setting aside time for study was always last on my list of priorities.

Choosing Bath as an international student…

The list is never-ending; ranging from societies and sports clubs where you can meet like-minded people and try out new hobbies, to the variety of wellbeing activities, services, and

Thumbnail for Choosing Bath as an international student