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Taster talk: Dealing with waste water…

Dr Ana Lanham talks us through what happens once our used water goes down the drain and how engineers are changing the way we manage this important resource.

Request a URL

From Digital Development. Request a URL. Use this form to request a URL for your website outside the domain. ... Submit this form to for approval by the Head of Digital.

UoB Digital Strategy 2022-27 summary…

UoB Digital Strategy 2022-27 summary. A summary, high-level overview of Bath's Digital Strategy 2022-27. ... uob-digital-strategy-2022-27-summary.pdf.

Envisioning reciprocal

For their first project at university, architecture and civil engineering students Isobel, Greg and Arun, designed and built a cantilever structure.

Making amputees 'feel' again

For her postgraduate research degree, Leen Jabban, is researching sensory feedback for hand and arm prosthetics using non-invasive techniques.

Thumbnail for Making amputees 'feel' again

HSRPP 2022 digital posters theme 4 - primary care…

HSRPP 2022 digital posters theme 4 - primary care. These posters were presented at the HSRPP 2022 conference and are related to the theme of primary care.

Global Chair Professor Dennis Broeders (Leiden……

for Digital Security and Behaviour and who's appointment as a Global Chair aligns strongly with the university’s strategic research theme of Digital. ... A workshop on digital sovereignty (scheduled for March 2024). Meetings with various university

Thumbnail for Global Chair Professor Dennis Broeders (Leiden University)

HPCBytes Newsletter February 2024…

From Digital, Data and Technology. ... View more publications in Digital, Data and Technology.

Learning how to make money from software…

Ruari Bush, who graduated with a BSc in Computer Science, reflects on the value of his placement at a company in Bath.

Thumbnail for Learning how to make money from software