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Open menu. Open search. #thinklist30. The #thinklist30 is a list of influential female scholars on social media around issues of responsible business. ... The #thinklist30 - women's list. Name. Twitter handle. Tima Bansal.

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People in the Probability Laboratory…

Prob-L@B is home to 12 permanent academics, as well as many outstanding early-career researchers.

Thumbnail for People in the Probability Laboratory

The Department of Physics Colloquia…

Upcoming Seminars 2023/24. Here is a list of our next three seminars for 2023/24. ... Here is a list of previous colloquia speakers 2022/23. Contact Us.

Tips: Undergraduate Personal Statements…

What should I not do? Do not list universities by name, use jokes or clichés or list information already stated in other parts of your application, such as A level subjects.

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Management meets Robin Hemingway

As a student, I had a few mentors. A family friend worked in finance, and I exhausted his personal contact list to learn about all aspects of the financial world.

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Vote for President

While she prepares to hand over to 2019 activities officer and incoming president Francesco Masala, what does Eve feel are the issues that will continue to be on the priority list?

Building an electric motorcycle to race…

The list goes on. Everyone on the team is really talented; I try to focus on playing to people's strengths and giving people responsibility over certain aspects of the build.".

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My placement journey

Having this list was a big bonus since it saved me lots of stress!

Connect! Childhood, wellbeing and risk…

For things like catering, ensure you use companies that are on the University’s supplier list (your departmental coordinator should be able to advise you) to ease payment.