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People in the Probability Laboratory…

Prob-L@B is home to 12 permanent academics, as well as many outstanding early-career researchers.

Thumbnail for People in the Probability Laboratory

My placement journey

Having this list was a big bonus since it saved me lots of stress!

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 Q & A…

I prefer to actively work and feel I have ‘achieved’ something and so setting aside time for study was always last on my list of priorities.

Choosing Bath as an international student…

The list is never-ending; ranging from societies and sports clubs where you can meet like-minded people and try out new hobbies, to the variety of wellbeing activities, services, and

Thumbnail for Choosing Bath as an international student

Preparing for your job search during your master’s…

Every week, an email from the Careers Service lands in my inbox, including a list of the upcoming sessions open to postgraduate students. ... They really helped me develop my plans for after graduation and put a list of resources together to aid my job

From translating in Paris to project management in the……

I actually found that job through the alumni mailing list. I worked for two years as an in-house translator, also proofreading and reviewing other people’s work and checking the ... I oversee translation projects and the relationships with linguists,

Thumbnail for From translating in Paris to project management in the UK: Bethan’s story