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Typecase for Content manual

How to use Typecase to describe what a team or committee does and list its members. ... How to correctly write and format bulleted and numbered lists on the University website.

People in the Probability Laboratory…

Prob-L@B is home to 12 permanent academics, as well as many outstanding early-career researchers.

Thumbnail for People in the Probability Laboratory

Microsoft 365

The place to create and share Office documents, send and receive email, maintain your online calendar, manage your contacts list and install Office apps.

Events in the Probability Laboratory…

Irène Marcovici (Université de Lorraine). Thomas Sauerwald (University of Cambridge). We keep a list of previous events.

Bath Go

The app for Eat and Drink credit, plus loyalty points and promotions in our food and drink outlets on campus.

Postdoctoral opportunities in probability…

However the list is not exhaustive and we are also keen to hear from candidates with other potential funding sources.

Your impact

See a complete list of donors who have supported the University of Bath in the past financial year.

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 Q & A…

I prefer to actively work and feel I have ‘achieved’ something and so setting aside time for study was always last on my list of priorities.

Choosing Bath as an international student…

The list is never-ending; ranging from societies and sports clubs where you can meet like-minded people and try out new hobbies, to the variety of wellbeing activities, services, and

Thumbnail for Choosing Bath as an international student