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Choosing Bath as an international student…

The list is never-ending; ranging from societies and sports clubs where you can meet like-minded people and try out new hobbies, to the variety of wellbeing activities, services, and

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Simplifying the search for successful antibodies…

The result is the world’s most comprehensive antibody search engine. CiteAb lists over:. ... 1.4 million antibodies. 120,000 publications. 290,000 citations. 85 antibody suppliers. A list that's being continually added to.

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National Apprenticeship Week 2024 Q & A…

I prefer to actively work and feel I have ‘achieved’ something and so setting aside time for study was always last on my list of priorities.

Dr Christina Demski and policy engagement…

When I first started my government secondment, for example, there was a clear list of academics they went to for advice on specific questions.

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What made me choose Bath

Whatever you are interested in there is a top-quality facility for it, including an Olympic standard swimming pool, multiple theatres, dance studios, individual practice rooms, laboratories, the list goes on.

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Preparing for your job search during your master’s…

Every week, an email from the Careers Service lands in my inbox, including a list of the upcoming sessions open to postgraduate students. ... They really helped me develop my plans for after graduation and put a list of resources together to aid my job

Forging a career in the space industry…

Image Thales Alenia Space UK. ‘The list of things left to see and do in our solar system is truly enormous.

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'We are just rearranging the deckchairs on the……

Phil Hammond explained that ED staff do not have granted access to protected training because of service provision and long waiting lists, saying that doctors are “very self-critical” given a

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