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Fully-matching results

Simplifying the search for successful antibodies…

The result is the world’s most comprehensive antibody search engine. CiteAb lists over:. ... 1.4 million antibodies. 120,000 publications. 290,000 citations. 85 antibody suppliers. A list that's being continually added to.

Thumbnail for Simplifying the search for successful antibodies

Events in the Probability Laboratory…

Irène Marcovici (Université de Lorraine). Thomas Sauerwald (University of Cambridge). We keep a list of previous events.

Cancer cell biology

Discover how Cancer Research at Bath is exploring the biology of cancer cells.

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Developing novel therapeutics

Medicinal chemists, chemical biologists and biochemists are developing novel anti-cancer therapeutics.

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Postdoctoral opportunities in probability…

However the list is not exhaustive and we are also keen to hear from candidates with other potential funding sources.

Early detection and biosensors

This area of research focuses on the early detection and diagnosis of cancers. This allows early intervention to prevent or minimise late-stage disease.

Thumbnail for Early detection and biosensors

Bath scientist is literally testing the water…

In fact, the EU Water Framework Directive currently has 33 priority chemicals on their list, but no pharmaceuticals. ... Macrolide antibiotics are on their watch list, too. It’s hard to link exposure and effect, and to predict how different species

Thumbnail for Bath scientist is literally testing the water