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Fully-matching results

Welcome checklist

Whilst this list isn’t exhaustive it should help you get started.

Using other libraries

You can also search for libraries on an A-Z list by choosing See results as a list or searching using your postcode to show institutions in your area that are

Travelling abroad

Documents. You'll find a list of the documents you need on your embassy's application form.

Using Labels in Typecase

Publish the page to update the changes. You must republish a page with the Label for it to appear in a filtered list or in the drop-down menu in a

Library Services for University Alumni

To help you get started, the Library curates a list of recommended free online resources.

Finding private sector accommodation

When to start looking. From November onwards, agencies list properties. Studentpad lists properties from December.

Thumbnail for Finding private sector accommodation

Support to prepare you for exams

Library Lists include guidance on exam and revision skills, coursework planning, wellbeing and managing exam stress.

Thumbnail for Support to prepare you for exams

Library Services for Visitors

Often Creative Commons licences provide possibilities for reusing this information. We have gathered up a list of free resources you might find useful.