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Academic Skills

Blog: Digital clutter can have a negative impact on our productivity and wellbeing. ... Here are some tips to help you stay in control of your digital spaces.

Digital Lives

Digital Lives. Our research group investigates how and why people and groups interact with digital technology and the psychological impact it has on their lives. ... View the membership of the Digital Lives research group. About us.


Digital content and development..

Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems…

We are connecting, enhancing and expanding research in energy networks, bio-based energy, offshore renewables, life-cycle assessments and more.

Faculty of Engineering & Design

If you are a teacher looking to encourage your students to think about engineering study, then we have events, activities and digital resources to support you.

NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Real-Time Digital…

Menu. NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Real-Time Digital Water-Based Systems (RED-ALERT CDT). ... RED-ALERT CDT's will train a new generation of leaders to transform how we manage aquatic environmental health via Real-Time Digital Water-Based Systems.

How the Digital Content team can help you…

How the Digital Content team can help you. We develop content for the University website and student recruitment marketing. ... If you need support or guidance on any digital project, we can help you from the planning stages through to creating your

Creative Services

Digital content. ... We also offer support, guidance, and advice on digital content best practice.