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Active travel

save money - avoid costly travel and parking costs and save on a gym membership. ... improve health - active travel is an easy way to fit exercise into your life.

Make a travel booking through Clarity…

From University of Bath. Make a travel booking through Clarity. Use our business travel provider Clarity for all travel and hotel bookings for staff, postgraduates and visitors.

Medical photonics

Typically, light can hop between these cores as it travels along the fibre, seriously degrading image quality.

Thumbnail for Medical photonics

Making bookings for business travel

The University's contracted Travel Management Company is Clarity, and their online booking tool is Go2Book. ... Your travel profile will contain all the information Clarity needs to make your travel arrangements.

Overseas travel safety guidance

Visit the Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) web pages for the latest travel advice. ... If you need to make independent travel arrangements when overseas, always try to use licenced taxi drivers.

Speciality optical fibre

The relatively large difference in refractive index between the air and the glass, in which light travels more slowly, means that light can be more tightly confined to the core than

Thumbnail for Speciality optical fibre

Applicant travel bursaries

Open menu. Open search. Applicant travel bursaries. Find out if you're eligible for a bursary to help fund your travel to an undergraduate Applicant Visit Day or interview. ... About the travel bursary. If you've applied to study here and meet the

Young female and forgotten?

Beyond the confines of family and/or professional support, young women were often devoid of wider social contact, with limited friendship networks and social activities, and lacking the means to travel.

Insurance Services

Accompanying travellers can be covered if their travel is necessitated by caring requirements. ... Complete the travel cover request form as soon as you book your trip.

Travelling abroad

Open menu. Open search. Travelling abroad. Find out how to get the right visa to travel abroad. ... Student safety is our priority. Currently the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against all travel toand Russia.