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Preparing for exams

Good luck with your exams! Enquiries. If you have any questions about exam preparation, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills team in the Skills Centre.

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Editorial style guide

Digital content and development.. ... This style guide is for when we communicate to all our users - when they are using our services, reading our marketing messages or browsing our digital domain.

About the Bath Beacons

The initiative supports a culture of grant capture for multidisciplinary collaborations that address UKRI strategic themes and are aligned to the University of Bath's research priorities of Digital; Sustainability; and

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Carrying out ethically responsible research…

What you need to do as part of your research project to make sure your research complies with our ethical principles.

Thumbnail for Carrying out ethically responsible research

Data collection - interviews

Accessibility considerations for face-to-face or remote interviews. Remote interviews may require participants to have access to a telephone or device, specific online platforms, a level of digital literacy,

Library video guides

How to request digital articles and book chapters from external libraries Transcript availableEnquiries.