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Fully-matching results

Applying to the University Impact Fund

achieve, enhance and accelerate the impact of your research, including supporting knowledge exchange activities. ... evidence the impact of your research, including through formal evaluation. provide training and development opportunities in knowledge

Thumbnail for Applying to the University Impact Fund

Academic Transcripts

Exchange/visiting students. If you're studying at the University of Bath as an exchange/visiting student your transcript will be issued to you by International Mobility and you should contact

Paying your tuition fees

Students may be approached by individuals or organisations offering to pay their fees with a discount or with an exceptional exchange rate.

Skills support for Semester 2

Virtual Exchange is a short project which brings students from different parts of the world and different cultural backgrounds together online. ... British Studies. Our 11-week British Studies courses are designed to help visiting and exchange students

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National policy networks

UPEN organises knowledge-exchange events with government, parliament, devolved bodies and identifies mechanisms to take forward specific projects. ... Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE): A knowledge exchange and research project that

ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)

Our ESRC IAA supports knowledge exchange and research impact from within the ESRC remit. ... We would particularly encourage projects that contribute to policy change, and secondments that exchange knowledge, skills and expertise.

Thumbnail for ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)

Working after your studies

Government Authorised Exchange. You may be able to apply for a Government Authorised Exchange visa if you want to do any of the following:. ... take part in research or a fellowship through an approved government authorised exchange scheme.

Get Research Project Management support…

Find out about the support available for you and your research project and how to apply for it.

Thumbnail for Get Research Project Management support

Planning for and evidencing policy impact…

Documents: Hansard, grey literature, policy documents and slidepacks, evaluations of policy implementation, research articles, Knowledge Exchange (KE) at targeted relevant industry, academia and government events such as The White Hall and

Using the laundry

How to use the laundry, locate your nearest launderette, pay and check machine availability if you are a student.

Thumbnail for Using the laundry