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Fully-matching results

Study Abroad Destinations

This list is correct as of March 2024. ... Mobility_Partner_List_March_2024.pdf.


Use MyFuture to access Careers appointments, events, opportunities and resources.

Wellbeing champion list

Wellbeing champion list. Find out who our University wellbeing champions are across each faculty and department.

Contact Human Resources

This will generate a list of all the HR contacts for your department along with the area of HR they are responsible for.

Development activities list

Development activities list. Use this list of different development activities to get ideas of options other than just courses, to help you to decide the best activities for you.

Check list for Work Experience Induction…

Check list for Work Experience Induction. Guidelines for staff supervising and working with those undertaking work experience.

Product codes for the University's finance system…

The guides help identify the product category that you need to select your product code as well as the full list of Agresso generic product codes. ... list-of-generic-product-categories-top-level.pdf.

Westwood Nursery enquiry form

Westwood Nursery enquiry form. Complete the enquiry form to register your child on the waiting list for a place at Westwood Nursery.

Staff roles requiring a Disclosure and Barring Service……

Staff roles requiring a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Refer to the list of roles which require a DBS check to be carried out. ... university-list-of-dbs-roles.pdf.

Submit a request to join a module waiting list via SAMIS…

Submit a request to join a module waiting list via SAMIS. ... How you can ask to join a waiting list in case places become available on the module (or unit) which you have tried to select.