The Vice-Chancellor has agreed that the University will close for the last working day before Christmas, Friday 23 December 2022, in recognition of the hard work and dedication of staff members leading to the award of “University of the Year” by The Times and The Sunday Times.
If you have already booked annual leave on 23 December, this will be automatically adjusted in iTrent in the coming weeks and counted as a Discretionary Day. The additional day will be pro-rated in the leave entitlement allowance for part-time staff including those who do not work on a Friday, so that all staff benefit.
The University will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
Colleagues in specific essential roles who are scheduled to be in work to maintain our operations on 23 December will receive pay and lieu time based on Discretionary Day arrangements.
You will also notice that the additional Coronation bank holiday on Monday 8 May 2023 has also been added to leave entitlements in iTrent.
With very best wishes
Richard Brooks
Director of Human Resources