In line with best practice, the University’s Estates department commissions a Condition Survey every 5 – 10 years. These surveys are carried out by an independent surveying company, with the results informing the University’s Long Term Maintenance strategy. In times like the present when resources are tight, these surveys also help to decide on priorities for expenditure as well as identifying any areas of risk that need immediate action. This year, at the same time, the surveyors have been asked to carry out an Access Audit and give their view on the Functional Suitability of all spaces, both designed to give steer on how we can alter the estate to help improve the staff and student experience.

After a full tender process, the contract for this condition survey has been awarded to Rider Levett Bucknall, a company that has worked with the University before, and who does this sort of work on a regular basis. From a University point of view, the survey is being managed by Guy Gale, our Long Term Maintenance Manager. He will be supported by Karen Hunter who will co-ordinate access across the University. Work is due to start this month and finish in December. The draft programme is here. If the date allocated to your area is very inconvenient, please advise Karen along with a more suitable date for the visit and she will rearrange. The surveyors have been told to minimise the level of disruption, and they have already carried out trial surveys on three University buildings which have gone well.

My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your co-operation.

Stephen Godber
Director of Estates Operations