Monday 20 March is the UN International Day of Happiness. The aim of this day is to create a happier and kinder world together by adopting simple, daily practices. This year’s theme is: Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Kind. By tuning in to your feelings, looking for what’s good and sharing kindness you can nurture yourself and help make things better day by day.
Our Wellbeing Champions have created a ‘Kindness notes to strangers’ template – the idea being that you print them out, cut them up and go for a mindful wander, randomly handing out some kindness to others. If you’re not on campus today, you could also send to colleagues by email.
The University has a network of Wellbeing Champions, who are volunteers from across the University who play a vital role in helping us achieve our wellbeing aspirations. The purpose of the network is in promoting and supporting a healthy culture at the University of Bath by raising awareness around health and wellbeing activities and signposting to resources and support services.