We are committed to the continuous improvement of all our services. To that end, our education, student experience and research capabilities are regularly measured against that of other universities.

Last year, we also calibrated our Professional Services with those of many universities worldwide via the UniForum benchmarking programme, and were delighted to report that we performed well. Thank you to everyone who participated in this great result.

But we only have half the picture. A vital dimension of the calibration is the Service Effectiveness Survey, in which University staff rate service performance in the areas that matter to them. The first survey looked at a selection of services, but not all of them. So, we’ve decided to run a follow-up survey to look at the remaining services, so that those remaining teams can benefit from the valuable insights you provided.

How to take part

The Service Effectiveness Survey allows you to rate key services, highlight those you value most and least, and suggest ways to improve your experience. It is anonymous, takes about 15 minutes and will close at 5pm on 12 May.

On 24 April, you may receive an email invitation with the title ‘University of Bath – Service Effectiveness Survey 2023’ in your ‘Other’ folder in Outlook. This will contain a unique, one-time link to the online survey.

The email will originate from noreply@surveys.cubaneconsulting.com, as the survey is conducted on behalf of UniForum member universities by Cubane Consulting, who will then compile our results.

Please take part

Last year, our high level of survey participation garnered praise for the University, and we thank everyone who made that possible. Please help us once more to understand your service experience and complete the picture for our remaining functions which include HR, IT, Student Services, Library, Campus Services and Teaching administration & design.

Please look out for the invitation and take a few minutes to have your say. Your views and experiences matter. Please help us to make our professional services the benchmark for others.

For more information, please see the UniForum website or email benchmarking@bath.ac.uk, to reach the team managing the survey.