Nano-Porous Solutions Ltd (n-psl), formed in 2007 and based on the research of Dr Semali Perera, Senior Lecturer in our Department of Chemical Engineering, was sold on 28 October 2013.

The company has developed a range of high performance filtration products that have applications in areas ranging from healthcare to transport.

Rob Head, Director of the Research Development & Support Office said: “I am delighted to see the successful commercialisation of n-psl. Being part of a much larger international business gives it an excellent platform for the future. n-psl has had all the right ingredients for success, innovative technology, a strong management team and high quality financial backing. I’m also pleased to see the way we have all worked together to delivery of a satisfactory sale”.

The sale of n-psl was strongly supported by Graham Fisher, Research Commercialisation Manager, who was heavily involved in intellectual property rights negotiations and Kerena Green, Head of Intellectual Property & Legal Services, who led all the contractual work.