On Thursday 13 July the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) and think tank Centre for London launched a new report on Brexit and the future of the city, inaugurating the publication with a seminar attended by leading academics and policymakers in the field.

The event, held at the University of Bath's London offices on Pall Mall, began with a presentation from Centre for London Senior Researcher Nicolas Bosetti - who introduced the challenges faced by the city, and the possible interventions outlined in Open City: London After Brexit.

IPR Director Professor Nick Pearce then chaired a discussion of the possible impacts Brexit might have in the unique context of London, the main issues that remained to be resolved, and possible routes forward in terms of both politics and policy. Key participants in this roundtable included Professor Tony Travers of LSE, Mayoral Director of Policy for London Nick Bowes and immigration lawyer Pat Saini.

The session concluded with summative comments from Centre for London Research Director Richard Brown.

You can find out more about the launch of the report, and the open letter from city leaders to government that accompanied it, here. You can also discover more about the IPR's work on tax reform in London, published the same day, here.