Researchers at the University of Bath’s Centre for Death & Society – the UK’s first centre devoted to the study of all aspects of death, dying and disposal - want local views on the process of natural burial.

Advocates argue that natural burial is the most ecological funeral option. It means that only natural, biodegradable materials are buried and that the land is managed in a sustainable way. More and more people and their families are nowadays opting for natural burials. The nearest natural burial ground to Bath is Meadow Burials in Midford.

This research is led by visiting Japanese researcher, Aki Miyazawa from the University of Tsukuba.

She has been researching tree burial in Japan for several years, which is a new practice to bury cremated remains in the ground and plant a tree for memorial instead of conventional gravestones.

She explained: “Since 1999 tree burials have spread across my country in Japan and nowadays it’s a widely accepted practice as a form of natural disposal. I’m very interested in talking to people in and around Bath, especially those who have experience of natural burial to learn more about the experiences in the UK.”

Aki is interested in speaking to local people who might have organised a funeral in a natural burial site, or people who have purchased a plot in a natural burial site or considered doing so.

If you can help Aki to complete her research please email her at