Over the last two weeks we have been running “Our University, Our Future” engagement events across the University, with over 175 attendees signing up.

We held six events, three for staff and three for students, to bring people together to discuss the University and our future. Each event was themed around three topics, and these were:

  • Internationalisation, research excellence and shared purpose
  • Staff and student wellbeing, student experience and shared purpose
  • Inclusivity, Bath and the region, and shared purpose

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to those members of the University community who volunteered as table and café facilitators, as these events could not have run without you.

At the final two events we had a visual minutes artist present, who will be producing a visual representation of the discussion at the events. She will also be using data from previous sessions to ensure discussion from all six events is included.

The data gathered on tablecloths at the events will be analysed and coded over the coming weeks. This information, as well as feedback from the comment cards used in the exhibition on campus and the forthcoming online survey, and will help inform a report that will be produced later this year.

We would also like to thank all the students and staff who gave up their time to participate in one of these events, and for the level of engagement you showed at each one. Your thoughts and feedback are incredibly valuable for helping to share the future of our University.

If you didn't get a chance to participate in one of these events, you will still have the opportunity to give your feedback as the "Our University, Our Future" gallery walk will be up on the parade from today. The gallery walk is an open exhibition you can visit at any time, giving you the chance to submit your feedback on the question topics. Simply stop by the gallery walk, take a moment or two to read the questions and share your thoughts using the comment cards. You can reflect on one topic, or as many areas as you’d like.