The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings bring together Nobel Laureates and the most promising students from across the world to share ideas. This year’s meeting is dedicated to chemistry.

Christopher was nominated by Drs Aaron Walsh and David Carbery before going through a selection process. Christopher is one of only 14 European Research Council (ERC) funded students attending.

As well as attending lectures, discussions and master classes with the 34 Nobel Laureates, Christopher will have one-to-one time with Prof. Dr. Walter Kohn, the winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

Christopher said: “I posted my admiration for the work of Walter Kohn on the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings facebook page. The next thing I know the organisation had contacted me and asked me whether I would like to meet him.

“It was one of the easiest decisions of my life. It’s not every day you get to meet one of your heroes.”

Christopher’s interest is quantum chemistry. His current studies involve the electronic manipulation of hybrid metal-organic frameworks and networks and the prediction of the properties of these molecules through the use of computational chemistry. For more information on Christopher’s research and publications visit his webpages.

David was nominated to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting by Professor Paul Raithby and the Royal Society.

As well as attending the Meeting, David has been invited to the Baden-Württemberg International Post Conference Programme.

Baden-Württemberg International has a worldwide reputation as a centre of excellence for research and only a select few are asked to its Post Conference Programme.

David said: “Attending both the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and the Baden-Württemberg International Post Conference Programme gives me the rare opportunity to share ideas with the best researchers of the past, present and future.”

David’s research looks into the development of new catalysts using group 2 metals - alkaline earth metals. Group 2 metals are more economically and ecologically viable than current catalysts and have potential applications in the synthesis of drug like molecules and hydrogen storage.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting will run from 30 June - 5 July 2013 in Lindau, Germany.