Results of the fourth Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) highlight the University of Bath’s ongoing commitment and delivery of Knowledge Exchange (KE). This is at levels largely consistent with or above the performance of comparable institutions.

The results of KEF4 summarised on the ‘polar-cap’ chart show performances above the cluster average for three of seven perspectives; in line with the cluster X average for three perspectives and one perspective being just below the cluster X average.

The results reflect the University of Bath’s continuing commitment to Knowledge Exchange and the value it places on working with external partners to deliver meaningful collaborations.

The Knowledge Exchange Framework outcomes are published annually, reporting on the performance of Higher Education Providers in areas of external engagement such as contract research, consultancy, public engagement, and commercialisation.

These activities are divided into seven perspectives, with each perspective scored against a quintile for the comparator group or “cluster” and compared to the cluster average. See the dashboard published by Research England.

Professor Jonathan Knight, Vice-President of Enterprise, says:

The KEF 4 results demonstrate the continued importance to the University of Bath to grow and nurture meaningful collaborations that are central to the delivery of transformational knowledge exchange.

Dr Steven Boakes, Head of Business Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange, says:

These results highlight the University of Bath’s ongoing commitment to form collaborations that deliver benefits to partners and communities and enrich the University’s research culture.

KEF cluster X institutions: Bath, Brunel, LSE, Loughborough, Royal Hollaway & Bedford New College, Durham, Hull, Kent, Surrey, York, Birbeck, Keele, Lancaster, UEA, Essex, Leicester, Reading, Sussex. Exeter and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) were reallocated from Cluster X to Clusters ‘V’ and ‘J’ respectively for KEF3.

Further information on our Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact.

We work with businesses, researchers, and students to enable new ideas, innovation, and growth. More on our Innovation with Impact.