In a major incident or emergency, the safety of all members of our community is paramount. From 30 September 2024 you will be able to receive text alerts via SafeZone in an emergency.

The alerts will be sent to University-managed devices, and to students and to staff who supply the mobile number for their personal device.

To receive alerts, please check you have your own mobile phone number saved in your iTrent HR account in the correct format:

[+][country code][your number without the initial 0, and no spaces]

For example, the number 07853 592761 would be entered as +447853592761 in the iTrent field.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Right-click this link to open iTrent in a new window and log in.
  2. To enter or edit your number, click the ‘View profile’ link in the top-left.
  3. On your ‘My profile’ page go to the ‘Contact information’ section.
  4. Click ‘+ Add contact details’.
  5. In the ‘Contact type’ drop-down list select ‘Mobile telephone’.
  6. In the ‘Contact at (required)’ box please enter your number starting with the country code (+44 for the UK), then remove the first 0, and don’t add any spaces in the number.
  7. Click ‘Save’.

You’ll be taken back to the iTrent homepage and your mobile number will be shown in the ‘Contact information’ section, where you can check the format is correct.

This number will only be used in an emergency, and you don't need the SafeZone app. Your data will only be used for this purpose and won’t be shared with any external systems. Read our iTrent privacy notice.

If you have any questions, please contact the Internal Communications team.