Serious Play
Fadoua Govaerts, a doctoral student from the Department of Education, is a member of a staff and student group that set up a seminar series aiming to promote a positive research culture. As part of this series, Fadoua created a Lego and research methodologies workshop for doctoral students.
The workshop used Lego to improve critical, problem solving and creative thinking skills. The workshop was then incorporated into the wider Doctoral Skills programme available to all doctoral students later in the year.
The scheme funding was used to pay for Lego kits to deliver the workshops.
Trainee Led Inclusivity Group
This is a student and staff group co-created and co-led by trainees on the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology programme. The aim of this project was to create a safe and reflective space for trainees to discuss equality, diversity, and inclusivity issues. The group organise staff and guest speakers to attend their monthly meetings to talk about their ED&I specialist area. These talks encourage the group to explore ED&I issues in their field and to reflect on how trainees can use power and privilege to reflect change in the systems that they work within.
The group has been running for two years and built a community for trainees to connect and discuss important societal and social issues. Topics have included:
- Class in Clinical Psychology
- Cross-cultural conceptualisations of mental health difficulties
- How to being Equality and Diversity and inclusive practices into your work and career
The scheme funding has been used to pay for guest speakers to further inform the TLIG’s discussions and reflections. The group has been able to secure departmental funding to continue their good work.
Bath Black Engineering and Science Society (BBESS)
BBESS launched in 2021 and aims to empower, support and provide an inclusive safe space for Black engineering and science students at the University. Through developing and facilitating events including guest speakers, Meet and Greets, coffee mornings, collaborative events, funding opportunities, cultural food nights and social evenings, BBESS connects and supports a community of Black engineering and science students, aids professional development and promotes relevant activities. Since its foundation, BBESS has grown to over 80 mailing subscribers, a significant internal and external network, and provided a variety of interdisciplinary collaborations.
The scheme funding was used to pay for external speakers, refreshments at networking events, and student prizes. The group has been able to secure faculty funding to continue their good work.
Chemical Engineering Research Skills Development Network
The project originally began as a departmental journal club providing opportunities for PhD students to improve their journal article comprehension and analysis skills, and discuss topics of interest in a relaxed environment. However, the contrast between the specificity of journal articles and breadth of research topics in the department meant engagement was limited. After sending out a survey to find out what type of events and skill development students would prefer, the project was changed to become the Research Skills Development Network. The aim was broadened to include supporting the development of relevant research and soft skills. Subsequent events included speaker sessions from a department lecturer and a PhD graduate, and training sessions on presentation skills and the PhD viva. Within these sessions, students learnt about different research topics in the department, possible career pathways, details about writing an alternative-format thesis, and tips on writing great journal articles and giving presentations.
The scheme funding was used to pay for refreshments at events.
AAPS Annual Conference 2023
The aim of this conference was to celebrate student work, and share exciting industry research from across the mobility and transport sectors. It was open to students from all faculties, encouraging them to consider the transdisciplinary-nature of their work and thus appreciate the research community as one at the University of Bath. The conference was organised by a student committee from the CDT.
During the two-day conference, students from the AAPS CDT presented their work in 10-minute presentations, 3-minute lightning talks, question and answer sessions, and through posters. External speakers from inside and outside the UK provided insights into innovative projects being undertaken outside of the University.
The scheme funding was used to pay for research poster printing, prizes for student speakers, a photographer, catering, as well as travel and accommodation expenses for guest speakers.