On Wednesday 28 June, as part of our annual Research Culture Week, the Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Ian White, welcomed delegates from both the academic community and beyond to showcase some of our exciting social science research and officially announce our new ESRC IAA.

Professor White hosted the launch at the Guildhall in Bath with Professor Sarah Hainsworth OBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research); Professor Julie Barnett, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research); Professor Emma Carmel, Associate Dean for Research (Humanities and Social Sciences); and Dr Kate Woodthorpe, Knowledge Exchange Director for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

External guests were from a range of organisations including the West of England Combined Authority (WECA), Bath and North East Somerset Council (BANES), the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, the West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN), and Business West.

Professor Sarah Hainsworth OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) says:

To have been awarded the ESRC IAA It is a huge credit to the University and reflection of our highly impactful social science research. We look forward to working with external parties to build on our knowledge exchange within this area for even greater research impact going forwards.

The event provided a fantastic opportunity for academics to engage with decision makers from local companies, government and third sector organisations, to find new ways to collaborate. Dr Kate Woodthorpe led a Q&A discussion on stage with previous collaborators to hear how working with the University of Bath has benefited their organisations.

Poster displays were presented to demonstrate existing knowledge exchange and research impact within our social science and management expertise. This included posters of our impact case studies from the last Research Excellence Framework (REF) which found 92% of University of Bath research to be world-leading or internationally excellent.

Paddy Bradley MBE, CEO of the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP), said at the event:

The SWLEP works very closely with the University of Bath on a number of projects and always seek further opportunity to collaborate. We find it rewarding to work with a focussed team who understand the need to know what your collaborators are seeking. We feel very welcomed.

Professor Julie Barnett, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) says:

The launch event has been invaluable to facilitate discussions and help the University deepen relationships with long-term collaborators as well as laying the foundations for new collaborations and investments.

Discussions of opportunities for collaboration between academics and key stakeholders were facilitated by Research and Innovation Services (RIS) at the University of Bath.

Our new ESRC IAA will run for 5 years to support projects that take our research out of the University and into society, creating beneficial change in the world – a priority which is top of our research agenda.