It can be difficult to match up calendar dates and academic week numbers as the year progresses.

Charlotte Dodson, Senior Lecturer in Drug Discovery has created a University of Bath academic year calendar for 2024/25 in a format which can easily be imported into Outlook. The calendar contains one entry per week, with an all-day event on the Monday with the title ‘Week 2 – semester’ (or whatever is appropriate).

Import instructions are as follows:

  • save this attachment somewhere (e.g. your desktop, H-drive, temp files)
  • in Outlook, go to your calendar and then to File -> Open & Export -> Import/Export
  • select ‘Import from another programme or file’ and then ‘Comma Separated Values’
  • browse to wherever you saved the message attachment and select it. Choose the remove/allow/ignore duplicates option that you want
  • select the destination folder as Calendar (this is the default if you were in Calendar to begin with) and then click ‘Next’
  • optional: select ‘Map Custom Fields’ and check that it says something sensible – it should be sensible by default)
  • click finish