The University of Bath has received £188,612 from Research England under the ISPF scheme, for the spend period of 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 inclusive.
We are now looking to distribute this fund internally to projects which can meet the eligible spend dates and that are ODA compliant. To be eligible to apply:
- all funded activity must have the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective; and be concessional in character
- UK ODA funding requires that aid must be “likely to contribute to reducing poverty in a way which is likely to contribute to reducing inequality between persons of different gender”
- the grant shall not be used to deliver activities within, in partnership with, or that otherwise benefit China
Should you have a project or activities which you believe can meet these terms, please:
The panel meeting, which will decide the distribution of funds, is scheduled for Friday 5 July 2024, with decisions relayed no later than Friday 12 July 2024.
Projects and activities can start any date, from 1 April 2024 (i.e. we can backdate) and all expenditure needs to have been committed by 31 March 2025.
There are no upper or lower limits on how much you can apply for. However, as a rough guide we would expect applications to be in the range £5,000 to £35,000. Please contact Emma Hoar on with any questions concerning finances/costings - please note that no PAM is required for this internal fund.
If you are intending to employ new staff, you will need to carefully consider whether any employment contracts can be put in place in sufficient time. This is also true for due diligence checks on overseas partners and/or any new collaboration agreements, or procurement contracts that would need to be put in place. Please ensure enough time for these (particularly as we enter the summer months) and be realistic about what can be achieved within the timeframe available.