We’re delighted to share the news that the Frost/Taylor laboratory has been awarded the first LEAF accreditation on campus. The Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) is a Bronze, Silver, Gold tiered accreditation process with clear and simple actions to work through as part of each level. It was created by the University of College London, and is currently being rolled out across over 60 UK Universities. As part of achieving the accreditation the laboratory team worked through a simple list of 13 actions as part of the Bronze award criteria, ensuring for example that:
Appropriate recycling facilities were in place
Fume cupboard sashes were closed when not in use
Chemical compound samples were appropriately processed on the departure of any team member.
The team used the online workbook, form and pre-built calculators to quickly calculate the carbon footprint of aspects of their activities to set a baseline and demonstrate savings from additional activities undertaken. James Taylor of the team said, “We’re delighted to receive this award in recognition of the teams work to minimise our environmental impacts, and look forward to working towards the Silver level of accreditation in the future. The process was really easy to work through, and well-tailored for a busy lab team”.
The Technical Supervisor of each key laboratory area are currently testing the programme with a small number of pilot laboratories, with a view to further roll-out should it prove pragmatic and successful. If successful, we may seek to work together for full accreditation, as the University of Bristol achieved this with all 990 of its labs.