Professor Kees van Leeuwen, Global Chair and David Parkin Visiting Professor in the Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC@Bath), will discuss the challenges to water quality in Bath and beyond in an event to be held on 5 February in the Chancellors' Building.

The talk will provide a global perspective on the local challenges of water, waste and climate change. More than 70 cities have been assessed across the globe, including Bath. Professor Leeuwen’s presentation will focus on the general challenges in cities, water management and governance and the importance of developing co-benefits with other sectorial challenges in societies. He will also be presenting our city’s results.

Professor Leeuwen is Principal Scientist at KWR Watercycle Research Institute and holds a Chair at the Copernicus Institute (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands) on water management and urban development. He currently coordinates the City Blueprint Action Group of EIP Water.

He is also Emeritus Professor in Risk Assessment of Chemicals and former Director of the Institute of Health and Consumer Protection at the European Commission (JRC Italy). Between 1980 and 2001 he worked at three different Dutch Ministries on water, health and the environment. His fields of expertise are ecology, toxicology, risk assessment, chemicals, pesticides, animal alternatives (intelligent testing strategies) and urban water management.

The Global Chair scheme, funded by the International Relations Office, is a flagship programme designed to attract distinguished, globally renowned scholars to engage in high-profile research activities.

Jan Hofman, Director of the Water Innovation and Research Centre (WIRC) says: “It is very inspiring to work with Kees on Urban Water Management and Governance. His methodology to assess cities gives a very precise indication of how cities can improve their water management in a sustainable way. It also provides cities with opportunities to learn from each other. I’m very much looking forward to his talk and future collaborations.”

Professor Jeremy Bradshaw, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International and Doctoral) says: “I look forward to welcoming Professor Kees van Leeuwen to our University next week. As a Bath Global Chair, Professor van Leeuwen will have the opportunity to share his internationally renowned research on sustainable water security with students, colleagues and the general public. Furthermore, his experience of working with international organisations such as the World Bank and OECD will no doubt prove to be particularly insightful. As part of his visit, we also look forward to developing our existing links with the University of Utrecht.”

Professor Jonathan Knight, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) says: “It will be a pleasure to welcome Professor Van Leeuwen back as a David Parkin Visiting Professor. He has an exceptional reputation as an academic leader but also as an engaged researcher, and I learned a lot from him last time we met. I’m delighted that we have such an eminent Visiting Professor in this important research area.”

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