We are planning to deliver as much in-person learning on campus, including lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and laboratories, as we safely can. The delivery of each course over the next academic year is being specially designed by each department to meet the needs of its students.
Having sought feedback from our current students and teaching staff about their experience of blended learning, we are also seeking to keep the best of what we’ve put in place successfully over the last academic year, using this to build on our teaching from previous years. The precise make up of delivery will vary, reflecting the specific needs of each course. We communicated course-level information to applicants at the beginning of June and for returning students and PGT applicants in August.
We are also planning for a flexible approach that will enable us to respond effectively to any changes in circumstances, for example, any new UK Government rules on Covid. This flexible plan ensures that we have the ability to deliver more blended learning, or indeed move fully online if needed, whilst helping you to meet the learning outcomes required by your course of study.
Where our courses include a high-quality, blended learning experience with in-person and online learning, this may be delivered in a range of different ways. In-person learning may include lectures, small group tutorials and seminars, laboratory work or design studios where relevant, peer-to-peer learning, workshops and group discussions. Online learning can include live interactive sessions on Microsoft Teams or Zoom as well as independent study. Your course will be designed to give you a quality learning experience, suitable for your degree.