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Student Experience

Find out about the University's aims and ambitions for student experience and how we are working to achieve them.

Student Experience strategic plan

To deliver a whole institution approach to improving the student experience at Bath.

The student experience strategic plan is founded from the University of Bath Strategy 2021-2026 and has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders. It has been agreed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) and University Executive Board, advised by the Student Experience Advisory Board.

This strategic plan builds on the key pillar Fostering an outstanding and inclusive community at Bath from the University Strategy, which was created following a wide-ranging engagement exercise with our students, staff, and alumni.

Four key themes have been identified within Student Experience. A whole University approach will be required to achieve progress against these themes. The ambitions for each are outlined below.


Support students to embrace and navigate University life through accessible, coordinated support mechanisms and a community-wide ‘culture of care’ and belonging.

A female student smiling and talking to a member of the Student Support team


Provide timely and targeted interventions to support a welcoming and inclusive University environment.

Be the Change Logo


Deliver an excellent student living and wider experience through an enhanced portfolio of extra-curricular experiences to help students develop their interests, skills, and networks, and thrive as global citizens of the future.

Students participating in a dance performance


Support students in developing transferable skills and gaining valuable experience for their future lives and careers through employability initiatives which break down barriers for students in gaining employment, bring real value and support our excellent employability outcomes.

Man working at a large piece of equipment on placement

Underlying principles

We recognise that there are important underlying principles that apply to all four of the themes and will run throughout their delivery. These are:

Wellbeing: We will protect and promote student mental health and wellbeing in all our policies, practices, and programmes.

Student voice and partnership: Our work will empower students and staff to collaborate in the development and delivery of the student experience. We will ensure all students can use their voice as empowered and respected members of the community, and that the institution listens, responds, and values constructive dialogue.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: We will understand and respond to the different needs of our diverse student population. Identifying and removing barriers to engagement with our services and opportunities is essential so that all students can succeed.

Communications: We will ensure student experience activities are timely, targeted, and effectively communicated, accounting for different stages and levels of a student’s journey.

Operationalising the strategic plan

A living operational action plan sits under this strategic plan. The action plan will continue to develop throughout the timescale of the University Strategy and some later or longer-term objectives and initiatives may not be implemented until post-2026.

The Student Experience Advisory Board monitors the objectives and KPIs in the action plan to ensure they deliver this strategic plan effectively. The Board reports to the Vice-Chancellor. The four subgroups of the Board will oversee the operationalisation of the objectives and the Chairs will attend SEAB to update on progress, highlight areas for development, and make proposals.

The subgroups will also consider and provide a coordinated and timely response to emerging student experience issues.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) Blog

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Further information

If you would like further information on the strategic plan for Student Experience at Bath, please get in touch.