There are challenges to overcome to make biodevices practical for use by stakeholders. They need to be able to integrate sensors with sampling techniques, microfluidics and electronics. And they need to be produced via scalable manufacturing and microfabrication processes.
Biodevices should be easy to operate by personnel with minimal training. They should be robust while also being as inexpensive and as non-invasive as possible. They also need to perform all the required signal processing and display data in a seamless way.
Engagement with end users to co-design devices is key to develop fit-for-purpose biosensors. Bringing society into science early on, in a truly engaged manner, to co-create products is at the heart of the emerging Responsible Research and Innovation model for scientific research.
A co-design approach to biodevices involves partners from different disciplines and different sectors (clinical, industry, NGOs, local and national level government). This collaboration represents a highly workable approach to address both specific problems and global challenges. But even more, it embodies the pathfinding mindset needed to bring scientific innovation from laboratories to communities of end users where the devices are both needed and wanted.
An aspiration core to our Centre is to roll out this co-design approach to the majority of our research. By doing this we will increase research translation and impact.
key areas of expertise
- microfluidics
- integration of sensors, microfluidics and electronics on microchips
- lateral flow devices and lab-on-a-chip approaches (including paper-based biosensors and use of printed circuit boards for full integration)
- electronic communication protocols
- development of smartphone apps for point-of-use sensors