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Changes to or withdrawal of courses

Reasons why we may have to change or withdraw our courses.


There may be occasions where, due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, it becomes necessary to make significant changes to a course or to withdraw it or part of it (e.g. a particular unit/module).

Such action could become necessary if for example the following were to occur:

  • a key member of staff leaves the University and we are unable to find a suitable replacement (e.g. with the requisite academic knowledge/experience)
  • a professional body or Regulator/accreditor requires changes to be made to a course or withdraws their accreditation of a course
  • changes have to be made to reflect legislative changes/requirements
  • changes have to be made to reflect changes in standards set down by relevant regulators and/or in keeping with best practice or developments related to the particular discipline/subject area
  • student feedback clearly indicates that immediate changes be made to a course or unit
  • unexpected low recruitment to a course or unit/module means it is simply no longer viable or practical to run it

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