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Courses and Partnerships Approval Committee terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Courses and Partnerships Approval Committee, including its procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

Terms of reference

1) To undertake detailed scrutiny for grant of full approval to new courses including those delivered by a collaborative partner and to make recommendations to Senate accordingly.

2) At Phases 2 and 3 of Curriculum Transformation, to consider and approve exemptions to the CT principles and/or proposals departing substantively from the approved CT Phase 1 vision.

3) To approve exemptions to the University’s academic framework.

4) To consider and approve:

(a) the arrangements for the delivery of an existing course by a collaborative partner, following detailed scrutiny of their capacity to meet University of Bath standards;
(b) the renewal of the arrangements for collaborative provision following detailed scrutiny of a collaborative partner's capacity to maintain University of Bath standards in their delivery of the course of study;
(c) proposals for new exchange arrangements, following appropriate scrutiny and proposals for renewal of exchange arrangements in the School of Management where these involve exceptional grounds for renewal or significant changes;
(d) major changes to courses (other than (a)) the withdrawal of programmes or collaborative provision); and (b) where the change is approved by extraordinary F/SLTQC under the defined project of Curriculum Transformation;
(e) professional accreditation submissions;
(f) in relation to the School of Management Degree Scheme Review outcomes and action plans and determination of the process for monitoring and implementation of each action plan in line with expectations set out in the Quality Assurance Code of Practice;
(g) to approve cross-course changes and policies relating to collaborative provision.


A member may serve for no more than a total of nine (9) years save in exceptional cases. In the event that a nominated member ceases to be eligible to serve, a replacement to serve for the remainder of their term of office will be nominated (renewable).

Chair: Appointed by Senate
Head of Learning Partnerships: Ex officio
Associate Dean (Education) from each faculty/School: Ex officio
One current or former Director of Studies/Director of Teaching from each faculty/School: nominated by the Dean of the faculty/School
Two student members: nominated by the Students’ Union

The following Officers routinely attend meetings of the Committee:
Director of the Academic Registry;
Director of the Centre for Learning & Teaching;
SU Education Manager

In attendance, on particular items, subject to the approval of the Chair:
External and internal persons with relevant expertise to advise the Committee;
Members of academic staff to present proposals to the Committee;
Secretary - A member of Governance Office

Procedural rules

Procedure: in the absence of any specific rules, the procedure is as set out in the Standing Orders of Senate.
Membership: The term of office for nominated members of the Committee is three years (renewable). In the event that a nominated member ceases to be eligible to serve, a replacement to serve for the remainder of their term of office will be nominated (renewable).
Quorum: One third of the membership of the Committee.
Frequency of meetings: Typically, six meetings per year.
Report/Minutes: Submitted to Senate.
Minutes for information to: Academic Programmes Committee and Education, Quality and Standards Committee

Version information

Owner: Courses and Partnerships Approval Committee
Version number:
Approval Date: 9 June 2010, revised 22 February 2012, 13 June 2012, 15 October 2014, 6 June 2018
Approved By: Senate
Date of last review: 8 June 2022


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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