To provide assurance to Senate on the quality and standards of educational provision at the University, in line with both external and internal frameworks and compliance requirements.
1) To provide assurances to Senate regarding the University's compliance with relevant areas of legislation and regulatory compliance that relate to learning and teaching.
2) To formulate and agree/recommend new policies and initiatives for learning, teaching and assessment, quality assurance and continuous improvement.
3) To approve exemptions from assessment frameworks and provide assurance to Senate that any amendments made, or suspensions granted, relating to quality and standards activities are appropriate.
4) To seek assurance that institutional risks associated with educational standards and quality are being identified and appropriately managed, escalating to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee where appropriate.
5) To provide assurance to Senate of the quality and standards of the University's educational provision based on suitable institutional data, including but not limited to:
a) student learning and academic outcomes
b) course performance
c) examinations, assessments and academic complaints
d) placement, apprenticeship, collaborative, partnerships provisions and professional bodies
6) To provide advice to Senate and the Education Advisory Board on the implications for quality and standards of any educational strategies and policies under development.
7) To submit an annual report to Senate enabling it to provide appropriate assurance to Council on the quality and standards of the educational provision at the University.
Total Membership: a maximum of 6 voting members
Ex-officio roles: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global), Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Enhancement), and SU Education Officer
Appointments: one member appointed by Senate for up to three years; up to two co-opted (non-executive) members can be appointed by Senate on EQSC recommendation for up to three years
Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global)
Secretary: member of the Academic Quality and Standards Team (Academic Registry)
In attendance: Director of Education and Student Services; Director of the Academic Registry, Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching; Associate Deans for Education; Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience - Student Voice); Head of Academic Quality and Standards; and, Education Manager (Students' Union)
Special rules: none
Procedural Rules
Procedure: In the absence of any specific rules, the procedure is as set out in the Senate Standing Orders
Quorum: One third of the committee membership
Meeting frequency: Normally four meetings a year
Minutes: Submitted to Senate and published on web site
Version information
Owner: | Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee |
Version number: | |
Approval Date: | 9 June 2010, revised by Senate 8 June 2011, 22 February 2012, 16 October 2013, 7 June 2017, 5 October 2022, 8 November 2023 and 17 April 2024 |
Approved By: | Senate on 17 April 2024 |