Project Vision
To create an accessible, streamlined and modern governance framework for the University that takes into account major changes in the regulatory landscape and enshrines the enduring values and culture of the University.
In practical terms, staff and students should find the rules easier to understand and adhere to. It is anticipated that there will be an associated reduction in bureaucracy, including efficiency savings on staff time, particularly at a senior level, once the changes have been made.
In order to meet the project objective, the new framework needs to be trusted and for this it will need to be culturally embedded within the University community. We should expect to see changes in expectations and behaviour as a result of the process of updating the framework.
Project Objectives
The primary objective of the project is to create a framework which is fit-for-purpose, reflects best practice, adheres to the law, and supports the University to comply with external regulation, particularly the Conditions of Registration articulated by the Office for Students.
This objective will be delivered within the following boundaries:
The framework articulates and embodies the charitable purpose, mission and values of the University;
The University community has trust in the revised framework;
The framework frames the relationship between the University and its staff in positive terms and supports clear, fair, user-friendly processes;
There is sufficient flexibility in the framework to enable the University to adapt to its changing environment in line with its strategic goals, particularly at a more operational level;
There is a clear distinction within the hierarchy of documents between the fundamental principles (Charter, Statutes), and more operational aspects (Ordinances, Regulations, policy), with no overlap, gaps or excessive layering; and
Documents are accessible, internally consistent, clear and unambiguous.