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Honorary graduates, 2010 to 2019

The names of our honorary graduates and which degrees were conferred upon them.



Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG* LLD
Sir Anthony Beevor FRSL DLitt
Dr Jean Botti DEng
Andrew Brownsword CBE DL DArts
Dr Toby Churchill DEng
The Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE LLD
Professor Ian Jamieson OBE LLD
Dr Simon Thurley CBE LLD
Midge Ure OBE LLD
Roger Porkess EdD
Professor Marcus du Sautoy OBE DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
His Excellency Khalil Foulathi LLD
Dr Peter Bonfield OBE FREng DEng
Professor Rod Flower FRS LLD
Professor Robin Grove-White DSc
Margaret Heffernan DBA
Dr Thomas Lönngren DSc
Sir Donald McCullin CBE DArts
Sir Keith Mills GBE DL LLD
Professor Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohammed Mydin Bin Mohd Musa MD
Dame Linda Partridge DBE CBE FRS FRSE FMedSci DSc
Dr Bharat Shah DBA
Sir Roger Singleton CBE LLD
Dr Clive Stafford Smith OBE LLD


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Del Edge MA
David Embleton DSc
The Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE LLD
Sir António Horta-Osório LLD
Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Yasin DSc
Howard Nicholson LLD
Professor Jim Norton FREng CDir CITP CEng DEng FIoD FIET FRSA LLD
Professor Dr Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard MD
Eric Parry DArts
Roger Pedder* LLD
Professor Dame Teresa Rees DBE CBE* LLD
The Lord Ribeiro CBE DEng
Ian Sutherland MA
Professor John Westwick DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Malcolm Arnold OBE EdD
Tony Best DEng
Professor Ann Buchanan MBE LLD
Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton GCB ADC DSc
Ron Dennis CBE DEng
Graham Hoare OBE DEng
Dr Jonathan Milner DSc
Andrew Moss DBA
His Royal Highness The Earl Of Wessex LLD
Beatrice Mtetwa LLD
Dr Colin Parkes OBE* LLD
Professor Michael Otlet DEng
Professor David Phillips CBE LLD
Professor Gordon Plotkin DSc
The Rt Revd Peter Price LLD
Philip Pullman CBE FRSL DArts
The Lord Ricketts GCMG GCVO LLD
Ellie Simmonds OBE LLD
Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter OBE FRS DSc
Professor Sarah Springman CBE FREng DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE DSc
David Carpenter DBA
Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE LLD
Dr Jem Finer DArts
Sir Robert Fry KCB CBE LLD
Sir Peter Hendy CBE DEng
Professor Sheila The Baroness Hollins LLD
Tim Hollingsworth OBE LLD
The Baroness Lister of Burtersett CBE LLD
Professor Gordon McVie* MD
Sara Miller McCune DLitt
Jan Paterson MBE LLD
Robert Randall* MA
Andrew Ritchie MBE DEng
Professor Sir Adam Roberts KCMG FBA DLitt
Professor Jeff Thompson CBE EdD
Dr Faith Wainwright MBE FREng DEng
Professor Yonghua Song DEng


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Dr Cary Adams DHealth
Professor Jean Bartunek DBA
Professor Jonathan Bradshaw CBE LLD
Dr Betty Chan Po-King LLD
Dr Frank Duckworth MBE* DSc
Professor John Dudley DSc
Professor Martin Hyland DSc
Professor Chris Jones DSc
Rob Law MBE DEng
Lawrie McMenemy MBE LLD
Dr Gilbert Passin DEng
Maggie Philbin OBE DSc
Professor Fiona Powrie FRS DSc
Lord Rees of Ludlow LLD
HRH Princess Sarvath El Hassan EdD
Nigel Stein DEng
Justin Webb DLitt
Professor George Whitesides DSc


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Michele Aresta DEng
The Rt Hon The Baroness Ashton of Upholland PC LLD
Professor Massimo Banzi EdD
Professor Scott Barrett LLD
Professor Kaushik Basu LLD
Liz Bingham OBE LLD
Jenson Button MBE DEng
Sir Bobby Charlton CBE* LLD
John Cleese DClinPsych
David Constantine MBE DEng
Professor Robert Crabtree DSc
Professor Kevin Edge DEng
Lord Foster of Bath LLD
Professor Dame Uta Frith DBE FRS FBA FMedSci DSc
Stephen Kelly DBA
Neelie Kroes LLD
Dr Fiona Marshall FMedSci, FBPhS, FRSB DSc
Dame Jil Matheson DSc
David Medlock DL DEng
Dr Randy Newcomb LLD
Professor David Nutt LLD
Dr Michael Painting DMus
Dr Kirit Patel MBE* DBA
Paul Polman LLD
Professor Philip Power FRS DSc
Sir Anthony Seldon DLitt
Roger Whorrod OBE DEng
Sue Whorrod DHealth


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Professor Daron Acemoglu LLD
Jon Barrick DPRP
Jan Bartu DBA
Keith Bradley LLD
Professor Doreen Cantrell CBE FRS FRSE FMedSci DSc
Peter Cheese DBA
Professor Amanda Chessell CBE FREng DSc
Dr Mike Cook DEng
Professor Dame Athene Donald LLD
Aslam Farikullah DEng
Professor Kevin Fenton DHealth
Jason Gardener MBE LLD
Peter Harrison LLD
Luke Johnson DBA
Sascha Kindred CBE LLD
Louise Kingham OBE DSc
The Rt Revd Libby Lane LLD
Professor Stephen Moore DEng
Simon Peyton-Jones EdD
Sir Francis Richards KCMG CVO DL LLD
Professor Sir Bernard Silverman DSc
Professor Koen Steemers LLD
Professor Steve Tennison DEng
Dr Martyn Thomas CBE DEng
Professor John Toland DSc
The Rt Hon. the Lord Willetts LLD
Amy Williams MBE LLD
Roy Wyatt DEng


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Ajaz Ahmed MBE DBA
Bill Bailey DUniv
Rowan Douglas CBE LLD
Warren East DEng
Professor Noel Fitzpatrick DSc
Dr Maxine Gowen DSc
Dame Beryl Grey CH DBE* DArts
Professor Peter Hitjitevi Katjavivi DUniv
Professor Jane Langdale FRS CBE DSc
Gary Mabbutt MBE DHealth
Eur Ing Dr Brian Nicholson KC DEng
Belinda Phipps LLD
Anya Shrubsole DUniv
Major Heather Stanning OBE LLD
Dr Simon Timson DUniv
Steve Tompkins LLD
Marcus Trescothick DHealth


Honorary graduate Degree conferred
Chris Anderson EdD
Gillian Arnold DUniv
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell DBE FRS FRAS LLD
Professor Dawn Bonfield MBE CEng HonFIStructE FICE FIMMM FWES DEng
James Chen LLD
Ian Constance DEng
Alan Cotton DArts
Dr Natascha Förster Schreiber DSc
Kelly Gallagher MBE LLD
Dr Nick Hall* DUniv
Professor Andrew Harrison DSc
Professor Dame Celia Hoyles DBE, OBE, PhD, FIMA EdD
Fernando Montaño DArts
Ali Oliver DUniv
Professor Peter Parker DSc
Nikesh Shukla D.Litt
Professor Molly Stevens DSc

An asterisk (*) appears after the name of a deceased honorary graduate.

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