'Targets for biodiversity conservation - are we serious about achieving them?'
Simon N Stuart, Chair of IUCM Species Survival Commission
29 November 2011
Watch Simon N Stuart's presentation video
'Towards more sustainable lifestyles: nudges, edges, and opportunities'
Professor Bas Verplanken, Professor of Social Psychology and Head of Department, University of Bath
22 November 2011
Watch Professor Bas Verplanken's presentation video
'Fixing fuel poverty'
Dr Brenda Boardman, Emeritus Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute Oxford University, and a Visiting Professor at Exeter University
15 November 2011
Watch Dr Brenda Boardman's presenation video
'Environmental Behaviour Change: incentives, "nudge", and citizenship'
Professor Andrew Dobson, Professor in Politics, Keele University
1 November 2011
Watch Professor Andrew Dobson's presentation video
'The challenge of living with environmental change'
Professor Andrew Watkinson, Director of Living with Environmental Change (LWEC)
18 October 2011
Watch Professor Andrew Watkinson's presentation video
'Future death: the human body as biomass'
Dr John Troyer, RCUK Fellow in the Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath
4 October 2011
Watch Dr John Troyer's presentation video
'Public engagement: learning, biodiversity and the sixth mass extinction - reflections on a decade of policy in England'
Doug Hulyer, Board Member, Natural England
26 May 2011
'Measuring the marine environment for sustainability and climate change'
Dr Philippe Blondel, University of Bath, Department of Physics
19 April 2011
'CO2 market design and operation'
Gareth Veal MSc, Consultant, The Coefficient Company, Bath
12 April 2011
Watch Gareth Veal's presentation video
The future of sustainability and learning in the UK
Professor Tim O'Riordan, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
29 March 2011
Watch Professor Tim O'Riordan's presentation video
'Zero-carbon Britain 2030: a comprehensive decarbonisation scenario'
Peter Harper, Head of Research and Innovation, Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
8 March 2011
Watch Peter Harper's presentation video
'Sustainability and learning: what role for the curriculum?'
Professor William Scott, Centre for Research in Education and the Environment, University of Bath
22 February 2011
Watch Professor William Scott's presentation video
'Low-carbon energy 2050: options and implications for the UK
Paul Ekins, Professor of Energy and Environment Policy, UCL Energy Institute, University College London
8 February 2011
Watch Paul Ekins' presentation video