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Research Advisory Board terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Research Advisory Board.

Terms Of Reference


Research Advisory Board advises and supports the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), and reports to the Vice-Chancellor.


The Research Advisory Board’s primary responsibilities are:

  • to provide advice and support to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) in setting the policies and strategic direction of the University in relation to research
  • to oversee the University’s progress against its Research Strategy as part of the wider University of Bath Strategy 2021-2026
  • to develop and monitor Research KPIs for the institution on behalf of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) that are approved by Senate
  • consider how the conduct of its business could affect compliance with the University’s free speech duties


  • all of the research community – staff, students and professional services with responsibility for enabling research
  • all aspects of research success, development and impact
  • all issues which directly affect research staff, students and our ability to continue to deliver high quality research

Procedural rules

Chair Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Quorum One third of membership
Alternates Ex-officio members may be represented by alternates if required.
Co-optees The group may co-opt additional members for a time-limited period to support particular issues.
Minutes The minutes will be shared through UEB. The chair or delegated person will report on matters arising from the minutes at UEB.
Meeting frequency Quarterly, or as determined by cycle of business
Decision process Primary: in-meeting by general agreement
Secondary: email outside meetings; requires 75% of membership to agree
Tertiary: by Chair’s action, to be reported to next meeting
The decision-making process will also consider whether the matter should be referred to UEB because it falls outside the specific delegations above
Secretary Nominated by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Research Advisory Board membership information and meeting dates

Find out more about membership and meeting dates


If you have questions, please contact us.

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