Terms of Reference
1) Developing the Technology Transfer Strategy and plans, including a set of measures to grow technology transfer activity
2) Acting as a supervisory board in
- overseeing the University's interest, purchased from University Challenge Funds monies, in companies; and,
- considering all future investments from the Crescent Fund
3) Providing advice on Knowledge Exchange strategy in relation to commercialisation and Intellectual Property (IP)
4) Considering and approving-arrangements for implementation of the Intellectual Property policy and commercialisation of University intellectual property
5) Reviewing the research and Intellectual property portfolio identified by the Technology Transfer Team as having the potential to be commercialised and approving decisions relating to
- Commercialisation routes and exploitation plans, including licensing or spin-out formation
- Significant decisions relating to the patent portfolio including progression to Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and National Phase (enabling international application)
- Licensing agreement terms for licensing deals with an estimated value of above £25,000
- Funding allocations from the Crescent Fund relating to spinout formation and development, implementation and management of proof of concept funding
6) Monitoring progress against the business plan of investments
7) Supporting the Technology Transfer Team in its engagement with the University, external organisations and commercialisation routes
8) Considering any issues of dispute referred to it in relation to IP or commercialisation activity
9) Providing assurance to Finance Committee
10) Providing relevant information to University Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee and receiving relevant information from it
11) The Board will consider any issues relating to compliance with Export Control, and the National Security and Investment Act as they relate to our IP or commercialisation activity
Vice-Chancellor, or nominee Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) , ex officio
Director of Finance, ex officio
Vice-President (Enterprise)
Lay member of Finance Committee
Two external members
A member of academic staff
Meetings are attended by the Acting Director of Research Innovation Services and the Head of Technology Transfer. In the event that the Vice-Chancellor has nominated an alternative Chair, the Vice-Chancellor may attend as necessary.
Procedural Rules
1) The quorum for the UCEB will be 4 members (total membership is 7) including at least one external member
2) Co-options are permitted
3) The UCEB will meet 5 times a year each and meetings will alternate with Technology Transfer meetings
4) Decisions can be taken by electronic correspondence as required
5) The Governance team will be responsible for the administration of the UCEB: arranging meetings, preparing agenda and minutes of the meetings and being in attendance
6) As appropriate, copies of minutes or other assurance briefings will be forwarded by UCEB to the University Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee and the University Finance Committee
7) Minutes and papers will be held electronically by the Governance team
Note: The Terms of Reference are intended to support the entrepreneurial, innovation and commercialisation activity and decision-making processes as flexibly as possible. It should be noted that these Terms of Reference should be read in the context of the University's governance framework including the Scheme of Delegated Authorities.
Approved by Finance Committee on 3 February 2022