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WIRC water colloquium 11/03/2021: Prof Annemarie van Wezel

Prof Annemarie van Wezel presents, 'Science to help reach a toxic-free environment'



In this presentation I’ll give some background on the societal use of synthetic chemicals, and how these are regulated. Then I’ll discuss some key terms as used by the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, such as a toxic-free environment and ‘one substance – on assessment’. I’ll give some details in recent development in chemicals’ monitoring as well as on high throughput modelling of occurrence of chemicals. Finally, I’ll discuss possibilities to reach the goals set by a more thoughtful design and use of chemicals as well as by use of treatment technologies.

About Prof Annemarie van Wezel

Prof. Dr Annemarie van Wezel (1968, MSc Biology UU, PhD environmental chemistry and toxicology UU) has long experience as scientist in water quality, risk assessment and risk mitigation, environmental toxicology and chemistry, and environmental policy evaluation. She was granted many projects in the field of chemicals of emerging concern and water quality, examples are the European projects FP7 Solutions, ITN ECORISK2050, ITN PERFORCE3, and Dutch NWO funded projects such as Shale gas & water, TRAMP (Technologies for risk assessment for microplastics), EMERCHE (Effect-directed Monitoring tools to assess Ecological and human health Risks of CHemicals of Emerging concern in the water cycle), RUST (Re-USe of Treated effluent for agriculture) and PsychoPharmac’eau (Psychopharmaceutical Prevention & Pilots to Reduce Effects in the water cycle). She is interested in the science-to-policy interface, in scientific outreach and has ample experience in media appearances. She is a member of the Dutch Health Council and the Dutch Board on authorization of plant protection products and biocides CTGB. She holds the chair Environmental Ecology and is Scientific Director of IBED (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics) at the University of Amsterdam.

'Science to help reach a toxic-free environment'


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