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WIRC water colloquium 24/06/2021: Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo

Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo, presents: "Sustainable and low-cost solutions for water quality monitoring in Vulnerable Communities".



Rapid urbanisation and intensified agricultural and industrial activity are the cause of unprecedent levels of water pollution worldwide. The need for water security pushes for the development of tools able to effectively monitor water systems in-field, which should require minimum maintenance for remote operations and be affordable to everyone in the world. In this talk, an overview on our research into sustainable solutions for real time and on-site water quality monitoring is provided. These include the use of Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology, which has shown great potential in water quality monitoring due to cost effectiveness, simplicity of operation, robustness and the possibility of self-powered applications. We also focus on the importance of participatory research and the engagement with end users to provide solutions that can be successfully implemented and generate positive impact.

About Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo

Dr Mirella Di Lorenzo is a Chemical Engineer by background with a PhD in Industrial Biotechnology. She was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship in 2007 before joining the University of Bath as a Lecturer in July 2011. She is currently a Reader and the Director of Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Mirella’s research lies at the interface of bioelectrochemistry, microengineering, microfluidics, sensing technology and material science. Mirella’s work addresses some of the world’s most pressing development challenges, such as the water-energy-food security and global health, by developing eco-friendly and sustainable solutions affordable to all.

Sustainable and low-cost solutions for water quality monitoring in Vulnerable Communities


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