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Preparing for your Viva (June)

Find out more about the Viva process and what is expected of you

  • 6 Jun 2019, 10.15am to 6 Jun 2019, 12.30pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • To be confirmed, University of Bath
  • This event is free

About the workshop

Your viva examination is the final hurdle to pass before achieving your doctorate. In this workshop we will discuss what is expected of you in the viva. There will also be a Q&A session with experienced examiners.

This session will cover the following topics:

  • what the viva is for?
  • what is being examined?
  • university rules and regulations
  • the role of the examiners
  • the viva experience
  • predicting likely questions
  • possible viva outcomes
  • question and answer session with experienced examiners


During this session you will have the opportunity to ask experienced examiners about the process. Please prepare some questions that you might like to ask.

Booking a place

Please note - if you book a place you are required to attend the whole of the session. If you are unable to commit to this, please cancel your place in plenty of time and let another student attend. Please arrive promptly to the session and remember to sign the attendance sheet.

Speaker profiles

Dr Neil Bannister
Doctoral College

Who should attend

Doctoral students

Booking details

Register for this event


To be confirmed University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom


If you have any questions, please contact us.