HESA data
The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) collects, processes and publishes data about Higher Education in the UK. The data is provided to government and funding bodies and is also used by a range of organisations, including league table compilers.
Data are reported to HESA in a number of discrete returns:
Student record
Staff record
Finance record
Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)
DLHE longitudinal survey
Aggregate offshore record
HE business and community interaction survey
Estates management record
Institution profile record
Key information set
Heidi Plus
HESA data are made available to institutions via Heidi Plus, a business intelligence tool for the Higher Education sector. This data can be used to evaluate the University’s performance and inform decision making. Please contact Graham Brooks mb2571@bath.ac.uk for more information about the data available and access to Heidi Plus.