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Applicant travel bursaries

Find out if you're eligible for a bursary to help fund your travel to an undergraduate Offer Holder Day or interview.

About the travel bursary

If you've applied to study here and meet the criteria outlined below, we will be able to refund your travel costs to an undergraduate Offer Holder Day or interview up to a maximum of £150.

In certain situations, however, we may be able to contribute more than £150: please refer to our Terms and Conditions or contact if you have any questions regarding this.

We are unable to refund travel to general University Open Days.

Find out if you’re eligible

To be eligible you must:

  • be a UK Home applicant studying at a UK school or college
  • have a household income of £30,000 or below*

We are unable to provide financial support if you're already receiving funds for your visit from your school or college.

*We do not require copies of pay slips, bank statements, P60 forms as evidence of household income. However, if you subsequently become a student at the University of Bath, your household income data will be shared with the University, for bursary purposes, as part of your student loans application.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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