NIHR RSS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit
NIHR RSS Community Engagement Toolkit
South Asian Dementia Pathway Toolkit (ADAPT): an online toolkit of enhanced interventions
The Centre for Ethnic Health Research: Equality Impact Assessment
AMRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resource Hub
Toolkit for increasing the participation of BAME communities in health and social care research
NIHR Research in Community Settings Toolkit To access the Toolkit you will need to create an account. When accessing the platform for the first time you are asked to confirm that you are working with the NIHR (or involved in studies supported/funded by NIHR).
NIHR Guidance on co-producing a research project
Articles, blogs and videos
Tackling racism in UK health research
Evaluating a tool to improve engagement and recruitment of under-served groups in trials
Diversity in Research Participation: why it's important
Voices for Change Toxic Corridors video poem. The powerful poem, entitled ‘Toxic Corridors’, was written and performed by author and gospel literary evangelist Kwabena Kimathi. It features NIHR public contributors André Tulloch and Danté Grant and explores the racial inequalities that exist in healthcare, and the interweaving issues of health, healing and spirituality. Find out more from the NIHR.
Cultural competence and inclusivity
Talk delivered by George Gumisiriza PhD Candidate | Centre for Death and Society (CDAS) Black History Month 2024: Racism, Death, Restoration: The First Black Footballer, Arthur Wharton (1865-1930) A University of Bath login is required to access talk.
Frameworks and strategies
INCLUDE: Socioeconomic Disadvantage Framework
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy: BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The Centre for Ethnic Health Research training opportunities:
Effective community engagement
Increasing diversity of populations in health and social care research