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Enter the Celebrating STEM Diversity Poster Competition

All Science and Engineering & Design students are invited to submit a poster or infographic by Thursday 19 March 2020.

Aim of the competition

There are many people at Bath who come from underrepresented groups, for example Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, women or people with disabilities. The aim of the competition is to build upon Bath's inclusive culture and integrated community by giving students the chance to highlight contributions to science or engineering from underrepresented groups, giving those people the recognition they deserve.

If you're a current science or engineering student and you've been inspired by an underrepresented scientist and engineer and would like to highlight the important contributions they've made, this is the competition for you! By taking part, you could also make changes to your course as what you produce may be used in curriculum development.

Who can take part?

All undergraduate and postgraduate students (full-time or part-time) from the Faculties of Science and Engineering & Design are invited to take part.

Entries can be from individuals or teams (maximum of four team members).

Prizes will be awarded for the best entries with winners receiving £50 in vouchers for an individual entry or £100 for a team entry.

Designing your poster or infographic

Your poster or infographic should:

  • highlight the scientific contribution of any ONE person who you feel has made a significant contribution to scientific or engineering progress, but whose work has been underrepresented.

  • be accompanied by a 100 word summary, highlighting where/how you feel this person's contribution could be used by staff teaching on your taught course or on a taught course you have experienced.

Other things to consider

  • Your entry should be visually appealing - it will be judged on its appearance as well as its content

  • It should have a clear narrative, in particular what the science or engineering contribution is and the context of underrepresentation

  • It should include a practical curriculum suggestion - for example, where could your chosen person's discoveries be incorporated and celebrated in your course/a course you have studied?

A few sources of inspiration

How your entry will be used

All shortlisted posters and infographics will be profiled across campus on boards and screens, as well as at a Celebrating STEM Diversity showcase event on Thursday 26 March.

There will also be an online legacy of the competition and your entry may be used to inspire Curriculum Transformation or in ongoing curriculum development as part of our courses.

Entries may be used in other internal or external promotional material, including in (but not limited to) diversity and inclusion or schools outreach events.

How to enter

Deadline for submissions is noon on 19 March 2020.

Event postponed

Unfortunately the Celebrating STEM Diversity Poster Competition and showcase event have been postponed. We hope that we will be able to run them next academic year.

All student poster or infographic entries that are received by the original deadline of Thursday 19 March 2020 at midday will still be considered for a future run of the competition, provided you are still a registered student at the University of Bath in either Science or Engineering and Design.

Submit your entry online. When prompted, you need to select your University of Bath email account to access the submission form. You can submit more than one entry

Your entry should be submitted in high-quality PDF format. We will print shortlisted posters in A1 or A2 so please ensure your poster is high-quality enough to allow for printing at this size.

Shortlisted posters and infographics will be printed at no cost to you and displayed at the Celebrating STEM Diversity showcase event on Thursday 26 March.

How entries will be judged

All shortlisted posters and infographics will be judged by staff and students who come to the showcase event on 26 March. You could also encourage your friends to go along to the event and vote for their favourite entry.

Prizes will be presented by Bath honorary graduate Professor Dawn Bonfield.

Need some help with your entry?

Come along to our open drop-in session to get advice from our competition team on Wednesday 4 March from 13:15-14:05, 1W 2.01.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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