Finding books
- Interpreting your reading list
- Search the Library Catalogue to find out if the Library provides a book in either printed or e-book format. To read an ebook online select the Online access link within the relevant search result.
- Understanding shelf numbers to find a book on the Library shelves
- The Library Catalogue
Finding recommended journal articles
- Why are journals important?
- Interpreting your reading list: identifying a reference to a journal article
- Understanding journal abbreviations](/guides/guide-to-understanding-journal-abbreviations)
- Search the Library Catalogue to find a journal
- Locating a journal on the shelves: understanding shelf numbers
Finding databases
- What is a database?
- Selecting the most relevant databases
- Interpreting your assignment question
- Searching techniques: general tips and a short presentation
- Finding databases: these are listed within your subject's library webpages
Your Subject Librarian has compiled a list of the most useful databases for your department on the relevant Resources for Your Subject pages. You can also search for database resources using the Library catalogue.
PDF guides and video tutorials are available next to many database links within your subject's library webpages
You are also welcome to contact or visit your Subject Librarian for further advice about searching the library's resource for your assignment or research topics.