In advance of your arrival at DReaM
- Ensure your reaction has been tested thoroughly under the reaction conditions you plan to use
- Ensure that your reaction mixture is homogeneous (at the beginning, middle and end of your reaction) by determining that the mixture can be pushed through a 0.2 µm PTFE syringe filter unchanged
- Obtain NMR spectra of starting materials and products in the reaction solvent
- If you plan to use our other analytical techniques, obtain spectra/traces of starting materials and products using these techniques too, where possible
- Ask us any questions if you are unsure
What to bring to the DReaM Facility
- A copy of your application form
- A completed COSHH form for all of the reactions planned
- Your reaction chemicals
- A sample of your reaction product(s)
- Previously obtained spectra/traces from the analytical techniques you plan to use
- Previously obtained reaction profiles using offline sampling or other methods
- Any other relevant results
- Any relevant literature